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*NOTE: If this is your first time accessing the QAFP® Practice Exam, you will need to set your password using the following link: https://fpsctestprep.ysasecure.com/password/forgot.

Welcome to the QAFP Practice Exam site. The Practice Exam adopts the same structure as the FP Canada™ Blueprint: QAFP Exam parameters. The Blueprint can be viewed by clicking here.

On exam day, candidates have three hours to complete the QAFP exam and the exam is one continuous session.

The Practice Exam can be completed within a maximum of 6 hours. If you need to leave the Practice Exam at any time without finishing, simply close your browser and log back in when ready to continue. However, please note, once you click "Submit Exam" you will be unable to re-take the Practice Exam. Upon submission of the completed Practice Exam, you will have access to a diagnostic report for the purpose of providing feedback on responses based on the FP Canada Standards Council ™ Competency Profile for QAFP Certification and rationales for correct and incorrect responses. The diagnostic report can only be used for the purposes of a preparation aid to writing the QAFP exam. A pass/fail mark will not be provided. The results from the Practice Exam do not provide a prediction or indication of future success on the QAFP exam.

If you need to leave the Practice Exam at any time without finishing, simply close your browser and log back in when ready to continue. However, please note, once you click “finish” you will be unable to re-take the Practice Exam, you will only have access to the performance diagnostic feedback and detailed performance on questions. These will be available until examination day.

Please note, all scores and answers will remain confidential but aggregate results may be used for FP Canada research purposes.

Thank you for your purchase - the Practice Exam is reviewed for currency and content regularly refreshed; this Practice Exam was updated in March 2024. This Practice Exam is a great opportunity for you to assess your competence and prepare for the QAFP exam by using a tool that is similar to the actual exam, and administered on the same software platform that you will use on exam day. We wish you success with this Practice Exam.


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